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Behavior: Migration And Movement 1
Mon, Aug 15, 2022:
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
1:30 PM
Resource selection by ringed seals (Pusa hispida) in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
Rowenna Gryba
University of British Columbia
Andrew Von Duyke
North Slope Borough
Greg R.H. Henry
University of British Columbia
Marie Auger-Methe
University of British Columbia
1:45 PM
Behavioral state and time of day influence resource selection by coyotes (Canis latrans) in a mixed-use agricultural landscape
Amy Van Scoyoc
University of California, Berkeley
Kendall L. Calhoun
University of California, Berkeley
Justin S. Brashares, PhD
University of California, Berkeley
2:00 PM
Impacts of systemic insecticide exposure on the movement ecology of bumble bee queens
Amanda Liczner
University of Guelph
Elizabeth Franklin (Bates)
Cornwall College Newquay
Nigel Raine
University of Guelph
2:15 PM
CANCELLED - The influence of river currents on the adaptive movements of juvenile salmonids
Richard A. Hinrichsen, n/a
Hinrichsen Environmental Services
2:30 PM
Greenland cod movements in a semi-enclosed channel in the western Canadian Arctic and in reference to a literature synthesis on nearshore Arctic gadids
Harri Pettitt-Wade, PhD MRes BSc
Fisheries and Oceans Canada / University of Windsor
Jack Hollins, PhD
University of Windsor
Colin Gallagher
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Ellen Lea
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Lisa Loseto
Fisheries and Oceans Canada / University of Manitoba
Nigel Hussey
University of Windsor
2:45 PM
The Impacts of Anthropogenic Movement Barriers on Home Range Shape, Size, and Selection
Ronan Hart
Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University
Tal Avgar
Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University