2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

COS 3 Behavior: Migration And Movement 1

1:30 PM-3:00 PM
1:30 PM
Resource selection by ringed seals (Pusa hispida) in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
Rowenna Gryba, University of British Columbia;Andrew Von Duyke, North Slope Borough;Greg R.H. Henry, University of British Columbia;Marie Auger-Methe, University of British Columbia;
1:45 PM
Behavioral state and time of day influence resource selection by coyotes (Canis latrans) in a mixed-use agricultural landscape
Amy Van Scoyoc, University of California, Berkeley;Kendall L. Calhoun, University of California, Berkeley;Justin S. Brashares, PhD, University of California, Berkeley;
2:00 PM
Impacts of systemic insecticide exposure on the movement ecology of bumble bee queens
Amanda Liczner, University of Guelph;Elizabeth Franklin (Bates), Cornwall College Newquay;Nigel Raine, University of Guelph;
2:15 PM
CANCELLED - The influence of river currents on the adaptive movements of juvenile salmonids
Richard A. Hinrichsen, n/a, Hinrichsen Environmental Services;
2:30 PM
Greenland cod movements in a semi-enclosed channel in the western Canadian Arctic and in reference to a literature synthesis on nearshore Arctic gadids
Harri Pettitt-Wade, PhD MRes BSc, Fisheries and Oceans Canada / University of Windsor;Jack Hollins, PhD, University of Windsor;Colin Gallagher, Fisheries and Oceans Canada;Ellen Lea, Fisheries and Oceans Canada;Lisa Loseto, Fisheries and Oceans Canada / University of Manitoba;Nigel Hussey, University of Windsor;
2:45 PM
The Impacts of Anthropogenic Movement Barriers on Home Range Shape, Size, and Selection
Ronan Hart, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University;Tal Avgar, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University;