Mon, Aug 15, 2022: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Andrea E. Wishart
Melanie R. Boudreau, PhD, Colin J. Garroway, PhD, Jeff Bowman, PhD, Quinn Webber, PhD
Melanie R. Boudreau, PhD
Session Description: The Section for Long-Term Research, CSEE’s first and, to date, only special interest section, serves to connect researchers involved in long-term ecological and evolutionary research with connections to Canada and improve long-term research on a number of fronts. This includes creating a formalized network for Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) projects, broadening participation at all career levels, advocating for funding, and fostering collaborations. This year we leverage the joint-hosting of the annual meeting between CSEE and the Ecological Society of America to discuss past successes, future directions, and some lessons learned by long-term projects across North America. We will invite scientists from a wide range of backgrounds from both CSEE and ESA memberships. While there is a long established LTER community and network in the USA, Canada’s LTER network is formative, and would benefit from greater connection and collaboration with long-term research programs in the USA. We anticipate this session to spark discussions on major trends and facilitate collaborative and coordinated efforts to address some of the major challenges facing the natural world today.