2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

WK 20 CANCELLED - Incorporating IsoBank into your Workflow: A Database for Stable Isotope Ecology

11:45 AM-1:15 PM
Virtual Session (Zoom)
Brian Hayden
Bobby Nakamoto, Seth D. Newsome
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Session Description: Steadily increasing availability of stable isotope analyses, and the ever-expanding list of their applications have resulted in a global proliferation of stable isotope data. Although published analyses of insular stable isotope datasets have proven invaluable for advancing a diversity of subfields, a vast number of useful data points may also be languishing -- unused and unpublished. IsoBank (www.isobank.org) is a new database tool for stable isotope ecology. As an open access repository for data on the stable isotope composition of natural materials, IsoBank will support scientific inquiry by encouraging the extraction of maximum value from each isotopic measurement made. One hurdle for a successful stable isotope database to overcome is the wide array of metadata necessary to make a single stable isotope measurement useful, and determine whether potentially disparate entries are truly comparable data-points. To encourage growth and use, interaction with IsoBank needs to be intuitive to for a myriad of researchers with wide-ranging data collection and contextualization procedures.The purpose of this workshop is to familiarize stable isotope ecologists with the IsoBank workflow, and data format, in order to encourage its use in the future. This workshop will include a demonstration of how data might be pre-processed and uploaded to IsoBank. There will also be time for conveners to work with attendees in preparing their own data for IsoBank. Lastly, there will be time to discuss attendees’ personal data production workflows– and how IsoBank could be integrated into them.