2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

SC 13 Introduction to Geospatial Data Analysis in R and Application to Remote Sensing Based Tree Inventories from Neon Sites

9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Virtual Session (Zoom)
Sarah J. Graves, PhD
Sergio Marconi, PhD, Stephanie Ann Bohlman, PhD, Ethan P. White, PhD
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Session Description: Large, publicly available ecological datasets, such as those produced by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), are critical to understanding ecological systems. Use of these datasets often requires specific training to access the data and create reproducible analyses. These datasets, including NEON, increasingly contain geospatial information that is critical for analysis. This geospatial data ranges from location data connected to individual measurements to spatially continuous measurements of vegetation properties from remote sensing platforms, such as NEON’s Airborne Observation Platform (AOP). This workshop is focused on training for ecologists to use geospatial data in a reproducible way and providing exposure to how the data can be applied to addressing an ecological question. The first half of the workshop will use material from the Geospatial Data Carpentry workshop, which includes short presentations to introduce fundamental concepts and an introduction to working with vector and raster data in R. The second half of the workshop will introduce geospatial data on individual trees generated from NEON airborne data and use these data to explore ecological trends and patterns. By completing this workshop, participants will know fundamental geospatial concepts and characteristics of geospatial data, understand geospatial provided by NEON, and have a reproducible script to visualize and analyze geospatial data with relevance to an ecological question.