2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

WK 15 CANCELLED - Climate Change Conversations: Creating Dialogue about Solutions

11:45 AM-1:15 PM
Virtual Session (Zoom)
Emily Therese Cloyd
Elana Kimbrell
Session Description: Scientific research can help us better understand climate change and potential responses. But science is only a part of the equation: in order to be effective, scientists and community members must work together to seek resources, share expertise, collect and use data sets that are relevant for the community, and find solutions that work for their communities. Yet a majority of Americans rarely or never discuss the impacts of and responses to climate change with friends, family, or colleagues. In this workshop, we will share video and written stories of how scientists and communities collaborate on climate change responses collected for the recent American Association for the Advancement of Science How We Respond project (https://howwerespond.aaas.org), invite participants to reflect on their own experiences in engaging in conversations about climate change, and discuss best practices for communicating and sustaining dialogue about climate change responses. We will share a conversation guide ecologists can use to engage their communities and attendees will start developing their own plans for leading or participating in conversations about climate change. Attendees will also build their network of ecology colleagues interested in communicating about and engaging in climate change responses.