2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

COS 258-3 What are the impacts of varying fuel loads on air and soil temperatures in grassland systems?

2:00 PM-2:15 PM
Seton Bachle, (1) Colorado State University Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship, (2) US Forest Service;Troy Ocheltree,Colorado State University;Lauren M. Porensky, Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit,USDA-ARS;Derek Scasta,University of Wyoming;Jim Reardon,Fire Sciences Laboratory, Rocky Mountain Research Station;Amy Symstad,USGS;Catherine Estep,Crops Research Laboratory, USDA ARS–Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit;Brian Dickerson,Forest and Grassland Research Laboratory, Rocky Mountain Research Station;Shannon Kay,USDA/FS Rocky Mountain Research Station;Jacqueline Ott,USDA/FS Rocky Mountain Research Station;

Fire is a primary driver for the maintenance and restoration of rangeland systems, and belowground plant tissues are responsible for aboveground regeneration following such disturbances (i.e., fire and grazing). However, varying management strategies in rangeland systems have led to variable fuel loads resulting in a wide range of fire intensities (Wm-2). Although high fuel loads with greater energy release lead to increased air temperatures, the effects on soil heating and subsequent impact on belowground tissues of native species has received less study in grassland and shrubland systems than forested systems.To examine the amount of heating exposure on belowground plant tissues, soil cores (12 in diameter) with intact native species were extracted from both Thunder Basin National Grassland (WY) and Buffalo Gap National Grassland (SD) during the spring of 2018. To simulate a range of fuel loads, cores were heated in a kiln to one of three experimental temperatures simulating 0.25, 1, and 3 tons of fuel per acre. Using thermocouples and a flux meter, we measured the following: soil surface heat flux, above ground temperature measurements within the fire environment (e.g., air, soil surface, etc), and temperatures at multiple soil depths (1 cm, 2 cm, and 5 cm).


While air temperatures may be extremely high during a fire, temperatures precipitously decline at the soil surface and with increasing soil depth, reflecting minimal soil heating even at high fuel loadings. Future analyses will focus on: 1) considering how well grassland soil heating matches Campbell’s soil heating model designed in forested systems; and 2) examining how perennial grassland species respond to varying fuel loads. The small amount of soil heating, regardless of treatment, suggest a low likelihood of soil sterilization and also that differences in post-fire responses of grassland and shrubland vegetation with different fuel loads is due more to the biology of the plants rather than differences in soil heating.