2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

PS 46-116 The impact of sustainable packaging on consumer's willingness to buy: Case of Rwanda

5:00 PM-6:30 PM
ESA Exhibit Hall
NIRERE Martine, Master's student, Sichuan Agricultural University;

The aim of this study is to determine the willingness of the consumer regarding the role of Eco-packaging in the formation of sustainable packaging. However, with the development of technology, Rwanda's firms in order to create the right packaging for theirs products, they must understand the intention of consumers to adopt sustainable packaging and the impact of sustainable packaging on consumers’ willingness to buy a product using sustainable packaging. This study proposes a new research model based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and SPSS was performed to analyze measurement and structural model on the data collected from 255 survey samples. The literature review was conducted via content analysis, and the methodology used to carry out empirical analysis was an electronic questionnaire dealing with aspects of sustainable packaging.


The findings of the multivariate analysis demonstrate four main results. First, results suggest that a consumer eco-friendly package for products should be visually appealing while satisfying consumers’ environmental expectations relating to packaging materials. Second, the findings show that consumers are moved by attraction and the way a product is packaged affects its appeal. Consequently, the packaging and the consumer are two variables which should be always considered in the company’s strategies to increase the environmental and processes will go a long way in minimizing the waste and pollution in Rwanda. Third, the intention to adopt sustainable packaging positively affects the willingness to buy a product using sustainable packaging. In addition the results of the study could serve as a guideline, great benefit for Rwanda’s policy makers, consumers, and institutions and the country as a whole. Fourth, it has also been concluded that sustainable packaging could be treated as one of the most important and powerful factors, which influences consumers’ willingness to buy a product using eco-friendly packaging in Rwanda.