2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

INS 12-8 Championing Inclusive Terminology in Ecology and Evolution (CITEE)

1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Shersingh Joseph Tumber-Dávila, Harvard Forest;Marcella Baiz,Pennsylvania State University;Susan J. Cheng,University of Michigan;Kathy Darragh,University of California, Davis;Cesar Estien,UC Berkeley;Kaitlyn M. Gaynor,National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis;Danielle Ignace, PhD,The University of British Columbia;Lily Khadempour, PhD,Rutgers University Newark;Christopher Lawrence,Princeton University;Matt McCary,Black Ecologists Section;Kirby Mills,University of Michigan;Alex Moore,University of British Columbia;Mallory M. Rice,San Francisco State University;Justine Smith, Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology,University of California, Davis;
We present our grassroots initiative, CITEE, to facilitate dialogue around harmful terms used in our discipline and their potential replacements. Continued use of terminology rooted in systems of power and oppression maintains these systems—including by perpetuating stereotypes and microaggressions about marginalized communities. While the challenges of advancing equity and justice in ecology are great, we as individuals can take immediate action to thoughtfully choose the words and the languages we write and speak. In this talk, we introduce our group’s objectives and survey to obtain the EEB community’s input on how our discipline can champion the use of inclusive terminology.