2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

INS 15-9 The role of biocrust mosses in dryland carbon cycling

10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Sasha C. Reed, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey;Armin Howell,U.S. Geological Survey;Kirsten K. Coe, Ph.D.,Middlebury College;Colin L. Tucker, PhD,USDA Forest Service-Northern Research Station;
Drylands are increasingly recognized as playing a dominant role in Earth’s carbon cycle and thus climate. Although biocrust mosses are a significant component of drylands across the globe (e.g., biocrust mosses), few data evaluate the contribution of these mosses to dryland carbon stocks and fluxes. Here we bring insight into the function of mosses in the dryland carbon cycle, both now and into the future. We will explore high resolution biocrust moss carbon data from field settings, in situ dryland climate manipulation experiments, and controlled laboratory studies to quantitatively contextualize mosses within the carbon cycle of planet’s largest biome: drylands.