Thu, Aug 18, 2022: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
1) What does the job encompass?My current job encompasses the program and project management of working with a contractor in collaboration with other USDA Forest Service employees in the delivery of software and web applications that allow our partners (Federal, state, and nonprofits) to report on accomplishments to Forest Service and USDA leadership and appropriators in Congress.2) What do employers look for in hiring someone who has recently received their degree? They are looking for people who have had both educational and professional work experience that shows that they can perform the daily duties of the job, this includes the technical nature of the position as well as the ability to work with and across teams in meeting accomplishments and supporting the mission of the organization they are working for. 3) What coursework and co-curricular activities should be done to be competitive for the job? For Federal Jobs, educational requirements must be met for the position one is applying for, additionally, co-curricular activities could also include service/volunteerism, working in a laboratory (paid or volunteer), and presenting at research conferences to show that you have an ability to write and communicate orally on the work you are doing.