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PS 8
Behavior - PS 8
Mon, Aug 02, 2021:
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Behavior - PS 8 - Live Discussion
The relationship between frequency overlap and temporal acoustic avoidance in a temperate North American bird community
Lauren M. Chronister
University of Pittsburgh
The effects of thiamethoxam on Bombus impatiens foraging efficiency
Emma C. Grover
Yale University
The evolution of defensive spines and warning coloration in porcupines and spiny rats
Mariana Leyva
Biological Sciences, California State University, Long Beach
Foraging behavior differs with group size among common loons (Gavia immer) overwintering on a freshwater lake in South Carolina
Devon M. Jackson
School of Science, Technology, and Math, Ohio Northern University
Fish behavioral response to lures produced by the plain pocketbook mussel (Lampsilis cardium)
Leonard Steinert
Biology, Carroll University
Experimental support for defensive coloration in Eurycea lucifuga
Scott V. Janis
University of Louisville
Calanus pacificus from Puget Sound, WA show avoidance behaviors when exposed to hypoxic, but not acidic, environmental stressors in the laboratory
Amy C. Wyeth
School of Oceanography, University of Washington
Discover, cover, flee: The competitive value of Aphaenogaster tool-use
Dylan Gladson
Biological Sciences, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Homing by path integration in dromedary camels
Sofyan Alyan
Meadow or forest species: What do northern Idaho ground squirrels prefer?
Phoenix L. Aguilar McFarlane
College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho