2021 ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 - 6)

PS 29 Communities: Spatial Patterns And Environmental Gradients 2 - PS 29

3:30 PM-4:30 PM
On their best behavior: Does conservation weaken effects of urbanization on bee visitation networks?
Jessica Clones, Department of Biological Sciences, Webster University;
Spatial and temporal factors influencing wildlife use of overpass crossing structures on an Arizona canal
Kaela M. Hamilton, Applied Biological Sciences, Arizona State University;
Scale-dependent interactive effects of long-term nutrient enrichment, haying disturbance, and seed pool manipulation on grassland diversity
Bryan L. Foster, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research, University of Kansas;
Coral halos: Turing patterns and a sign of healthy reefs?
Luojun Yang, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton university;
Genera-specific analysis of wild bees in an urban ecosystem
Matthew Healy, Division of Science and Mathematics, Massasoit Community College;
Diurnal temperature regimes drive seedling distribution at an abrupt treeline
Jessie L. Sheldon, Environmental Science, Colorado College;
Enclosed nests of birds: to avoid predation or to regulate microclimate?
Stephanie Y. Chia, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica;