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PS 29
Communities: Spatial Patterns And Environmental Gradients 2 - PS 29
Wed, Aug 04, 2021:
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Communities: Spatial Patterns And Environmental Gradients 2 - PS 29 - Live Discussion
To Bd or not to Bd: Characterizing fungal competition in the amphibian microbiome
Jennie Wuest
University of New Hampshire
The local and landscape features associated with roost attendance and nesting success in urban black vulture (Coragyps atratus) and turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) populations
Hannah Partridge
Geography and Earth Science, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
On their best behavior: Does conservation weaken effects of urbanization on bee visitation networks?
Jessica Clones
Department of Biological Sciences, Webster University
Spatial and temporal factors influencing wildlife use of overpass crossing structures on an Arizona canal
Kaela M. Hamilton
Applied Biological Sciences, Arizona State University
Scale-dependent interactive effects of long-term nutrient enrichment, haying disturbance, and seed pool manipulation on grassland diversity
Bryan L. Foster
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research, University of Kansas
Red oak seedling leaf damage is higher nearby mature red oak trees and influences both leaf and stem biomass ratios
Dayna De La Cruz
Biological Sciences, Wellesley College
Coral halos: Turing patterns and a sign of healthy reefs?
Luojun Yang
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton university
Genera-specific analysis of wild bees in an urban ecosystem
Matthew Healy
Division of Science and Mathematics, Massasoit Community College
Diurnal temperature regimes drive seedling distribution at an abrupt treeline
Jessie L. Sheldon
Environmental Science, Colorado College
Enclosed nests of birds: to avoid predation or to regulate microclimate?
Stephanie Y. Chia
Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica