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PS 26
Urban Ecosystems 2 - PS 26
Tue, Aug 03, 2021:
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Ecological function of urban rooftop garden as a green roof in New York City
Elizabeth Scott
Natural Sciences, Marymount Manhattan College
Eastern carpenter bees (Xylocopa virginica) are experiencing wing discoloration, with St. Louis, MO as a hotspot
Madeleine F. Thompson
Department of Biology, Saint Louis University
Dynamics of particulate matter concentration in urban forest in Korea
Hong-Duck Sou
National Institute of Forest Science
Beyond canopy cover: Examining predictors of urban forest composition and diversity across California
Joanna P. Solins
Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis
Correlations between free-ranging domestic cat activity and land cover type across an urban gradient in western Massachusetts
Fanny D. Riand
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Species-specific impacts of urbanization on climate sensitivity of tree transpiration
Joy B. Winbourne
University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Department of Earth, Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences
Impact of public transportation on urban green space distribution and access in New York City
Martha Madrid
Natural Sciences, Marymount Manhattan College
Owl be hard to find: Using eBird to determine the effects of urbanization on breeding great horned owls (Bubo virginianus)
Aleidys Lopez Romero
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida
Limited extent with big intent: Effects of urban residential landscaping at the heat-water nexus
Victoria K. Dearborn
Graduate Group in Ecology, University of California - Davis
Urban Ecosystems 2 - PS 26 - Live Discussion
The response of urban greenness to precipitation at the continental scale
Dion Kucera
Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside