2021 ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 - 6)

PS 26 Urban Ecosystems 2 - PS 26

3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Ecological function of urban rooftop garden as a green roof in New York City
Elizabeth Scott, Natural Sciences, Marymount Manhattan College;
Dynamics of particulate matter concentration in urban forest in Korea
Hong-Duck Sou, National Institute of Forest Science;
Beyond canopy cover: Examining predictors of urban forest composition and diversity across California
Joanna P. Solins, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis;
Species-specific impacts of urbanization on climate sensitivity of tree transpiration
Joy B. Winbourne, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Department of Earth, Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences;
Impact of public transportation on urban green space distribution and access in New York City
Martha Madrid, Natural Sciences, Marymount Manhattan College;
Limited extent with big intent: Effects of urban residential landscaping at the heat-water nexus
Victoria K. Dearborn, Graduate Group in Ecology, University of California - Davis;
The response of urban greenness to precipitation at the continental scale
Dion Kucera, Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside;