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PS 22
Physiological Ecology - PS 22
Tue, Aug 03, 2021:
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Effects of invasive species on post-fire seedling establishment in Ceanothus spinosus
Nina R. Duchild
Natural Science, Pepperdine University
Dynamic assimilation and leaf gas exchange survey measurements
Cici Hall
LI-COR Biosciences
Emerging understory dominants in Eastern deciduous forests: Quantifying photosynthetic induction and sunfleck responses
Sarah Polohovich
Biology, West Chester University
Acid waters held by tank bromeliads: Causes and potential consequences
Gretchen North
Biology, Occidental College
Damage changes the optimal light color for growth and reproduction of Arabidopsis thaliana
Daniel R. Scholes
University of Indianapolis
Cheating death: natural selection overcomes the growth-predation tradeoff
Tara Lanzer
Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas
Simulating water transport through complex leaf venation network architectures
Ilaine Silveira Matos
ESPM, Postdoctoral Researcher
The resilience of flowers: Corrective reorientation after disturbance
Leah C. Makler
Biology, California Polytechnic State University
Physiological Ecology - PS 22 - Live Discussion
Tracking leaf trait differentiation of newly diverging subspecies of Chenopodium oahuense on the Hawaiian Islands
Myriam Serrano
Department of Biology, San Francisco State University
There and back again: Intraspecific plant physiological responses to multiple droughts and recovery in a perennial C4 grass
Nathan Emery
University of California Santa Barbara