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PS 13
Species Interactions - PS 13
Mon, Aug 02, 2021:
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Species Interactions - PS 13 - Live Discussion
The intersection of management, vegetation, and moth communities in a 40-year-old prairie restoration Part I: Vegetation
Deanna Deterding
Department of Biological Sciences, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
The effects of light availability, prey capture, and their interaction on pitcher plant morphology
Michael Segala
Department of Biology, Texas Christian University
Ecology of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in a fire-dependent ecosystem
Alyssa L. Young, MS
University of North Carolina Greensboro
Floral variation in Bejaria resinosa (Ericaceae) and its relation to flower visitors
Cristina A. Lalama
Biology, Universidad del Azuay
Functional importance of seed dispersal by vertebrates in forest edges in a diverse tropical tree community
Onja H. Razafindratsima
Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley
Filamentous bacteriophages and the competitive interaction between Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains under antibiotic treatment: A modeling study
Julie D. Pourtois
Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University
Drivers of reproductive success in Mitchella repens
Aleel K. Grennan
Biology, Worcester State University
Reducing environmental and economic costs of turfgrass management through mycorrhizal symbiosis
Elizabeth A. A. Haymaker, M.S.
Oklahoma State University
Investigating the relative mycorrhizal responsiveness of common medicinal herbs
Lauren Murray
Oklahoma State University
Intraspecific tests of growth-defense trade-offs within Streptanthus tortuosus
Danielle De La Pascua
University of California, Davis