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PS 12
Restoration Ecology 2 - PS 12
Mon, Aug 02, 2021:
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Restoration Ecology 2 - PS 12 - Live Discussion
The implications of acoustic software match ratios for bat species identification and composition
Jazmyn Broxton
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida
Within and between species physiological traits and stress resistances of three high-elevation pines
Chloe Wasteneys
Montana State University
Using plastic tree shelters to improve post-fire ecological restoration of California chaparral and coastal sage scrub communities
Mark Mazhnyy
Biological Sciences, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Understory dynamics in response to forest management
Alexa S. Wagner
Case Western Reserve University
Effects of herbicide treatment on Ammophila arenaria decomposition
Savannah Fuqua
Point Reyes National Seashore Association
Analysis of colonization, growth and mortality in a maple-basswood forest restoration over 30 years
Sean R.D Meagher
Biology, Saint Olaf College
Current and potential tree species assemblages across 185 urban areas in the eastern US: Ecological relationships and dissimilarities to species at their climate analogs at end of century
Louis Iverson
Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Created mangrove forest succession, pioneer species, and chronosequence assessment in Tampa Bay, Florida
Sofia M. McNally
Marine Science, Eckerd College
How far to build it before they come? Analyzing the impact of the Field of Dreams hypothesis in bull kelp restoration
Jorge Arroyo Esquivel
University of California, Davis