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LB 38
Phenology - LB 38
Thu, Aug 05, 2021:
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
How diverse botanical collections and citizen science inform predictions of tree phenology and vulnerability
Brendon Reidy
Center for Tree Science, The Morton Arboretum
How to describe and measure phenology? An investigation of the diversity of metrics using phenology of births in large herbivores as a case study
Lucie Thel
Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, CNRS - Université Lyon 1
Plant traits, range position, and flowering phenology in the Southern Rockies
Michelle Kummel
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
Phenological responsiveness and fecundity differ in range edge vs range interior populations of Lysimachia borealis
Emily Dangremond
Biological, Physical and Health Sciences, Roosevelt University
New, publicly-available source of phenological data reveals intraspecific variation in the sensitivity of flowering date to climate change: A case study of the California poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
Katelin Pearson
Biology, California Polytechnic State University
Phenology- LB 38 - Live Discussion
Seasonality of 4 prevalent flea species (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae, Leptopsyllidae) on North American deer-mice Peromyscus maniculatus (Mammalia: Rodentia) due to possible thermal-niche partitioning
Robert L. Bossard
Bossard Consulting
Unexpectedly small shift in spring phenology of temperate trees after strong warming - causes and consequences
Ilka Beil
Experimental Plant Ecology, Greifswald University
A novel approach to determining maturity and reproduction for walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) using Raman spectroscopy
Morgan B. Arrington
University of Washington
Atmospheric brightening counteracts warming-induced delays in autumn phenology of temperate trees in Europe
Zhaofei Wu
Beijing Normal University