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LB 36
Grasslands/Steppe - LB 36
Thu, Aug 05, 2021:
3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Plant phenology, seed dispersal, and eastern red cedar range expansion: It's all about timing!
Kaitlin Shvach
Kent State University
Making a good prairie better: Plant diversity increased in a formerly-hayed remnant prairie now managed with fire
Charlotte Murray Reemts
The Nature Conservancy/University of Texas at Austin
Does the burrowing activity of the fossorial rodent Ctenomys haigi (Ctenomyidae) have a great impact on the soil in northwestern Patagonian grasslands?
Yermén Acebal Ghiorzi
INIBIOMA (CONICET-National University of Comahue)
Grasslands/Steppe- LB 36 - Live Discussion
Surviving flames and foes: Ant responses to wildfire and predation in sagebrush steppe
Camdon Kay
Biological Sciences, Idaho State University
Tripsacum dactyloides: A native plant model to study microbial contributions to local adaptation and drought tolerance
Ceyda Kural
University of Kansas
The past, present, and future of herbivore impacts on savanna vegetation
Carla Staver
Yale University
The influence of prairie restoration on Hemiptera composition
Stephanie K. Gunter
Biology, University of Dayton
An integrated resource selection model to predict avian habitat use from grassland vegetation structure
Katy M. Silber
Division of Biology, Kansas State University
Bedrock meadows in the interior Pacific Northwest, an overlooked habitat type?
Ricarda Pätsch
Masaryk University and Wagner Ecology Lab, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta