2021 ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 - 6)

LB 36 Grasslands/Steppe - LB 36

3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Making a good prairie better: Plant diversity increased in a formerly-hayed remnant prairie now managed with fire
Charlotte Murray Reemts, The Nature Conservancy/University of Texas at Austin;
Surviving flames and foes: Ant responses to wildfire and predation in sagebrush steppe
Camdon Kay, Biological Sciences, Idaho State University;
The influence of prairie restoration on Hemiptera composition
Stephanie K. Gunter, Biology, University of Dayton;
Bedrock meadows in the interior Pacific Northwest, an overlooked habitat type?
Ricarda Pätsch, Masaryk University and Wagner Ecology Lab, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta;