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LB 29
Behavior 2 - LB 29
Thu, Aug 05, 2021:
2:30 PM-3:30 PM
Investigating bird-tick interactions in Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania
Ashley C. Kennedy
Mosquito Control, Delaware Fish and Wildlife
Let’s Do the Time Warp Again: Dynamic time warping as a tool for temporally structured ecological data
Jens Hegg
Fish and Wildife Sciences, University of Idaho
Mismatch between risk and response may amplify lethal and non-lethal effects of humans on wild animal populations
Justine Smith, Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology
University of California, Davis
Contributing to the prevention of tick-borne diseases: Assessing the perceived knowledge of tick-borne diseases among the residents of the transboundary region of the U.S.-Mexico by using an online survey
Consuelo Aguilar
Biology, UTRGV
Demographic pathways linking variation in adult sex ratio to genetic sex determination systems in tetrapods
Ivett Pipoly
Center for Natural Science, MTA-PE Evolutioary Ecology Research Group
Behavior 2 - LB 29 - Live Discussion
Spatial patterns of differentiation in background matching strategies along the Quaternary range expansion route of the cryptic tree frog Hyla sarda
Giada Spadavecchia
Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences, Università della Tuscia
Connecting migration to demography through seasonal energy available to reindeer populations
Rebecca Viejou
University of Guelph
Allochrony in the common Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica) as a behavioral syndrome: an ecological and genetic study
Leonardo Vignoli
Sciences, Università Roma Tre