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LB 27
Population Dynamics: Modeling - LB 27
Thu, Aug 05, 2021:
1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Interactions of food resource variability with eco-evolutionary harvest impacts
Matthew P. Schumm
Florida State University
Dispersal-induced resilience to stochastic environmental fluctuations in populations with Allee effect
Rodrigo Crespo-Miguel
Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y Electrónica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Global classification of mammalian herbivores coupled with a mechanistic eco-physiological model for macro ecology and Earth System applications
Fabio Berzaghi
Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences (LSCE) - CEA/CNRS
Estimating population trend by integrating point counts, removal sampling, and mark-recapture observations in a single hierarchical model
David Christianson
Ecosystem Science and Management, University of Wyoming
Estimates of regional annual abundance and population growth rates of white sharks off central California
Paul E. Kanive
Ecology, Montana State University
Evaluating Janzen-Connell dynamics as a potential driver of evolutionarily stable coexistence
Matthew L. Bradley
University of Texas at Austin
Population Dynamics: Modeling - LB 27 - Live Discussion
The sociality of Atlantic sturgeon and sand tiger shark in dynamic bay environments
Robert E. Roose
College of Earth Ocean and Environment, University of Delaware