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LB 20
Vital Connections in Ecology: Multi-Trophic Interactions and Ecosystem Function - LB 20
Thu, Aug 05, 2021:
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Land use and local species richness are a more important determinant of Mediterranean ecosystems´ multifunctionality than landscape diversity and habitat size
Paula Lopezosa
Ecology, University of Alicante
Intraguild predation and trophic transfer drive parasite abundance patterns in larval dragonfly communities
Sarah Goodnight
Biology, East Carolina University
Impacts of urban land cover on the distribution of emerald ash borer associated parasitoids
Timothy D. Morris
Environmental & Forest Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Parasites and plastics in seabirds of the North Pacific
Kate Sheehan
Biology, Frostburg State University
Ecological characterization and photosynthetic pigment assessment of environmental indicator species of Utricularia
Suhas J. Vyas
Department of Life Sciences Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University Junagadh
Vital Connections in Ecology: Multi-Trophic Interactions and Ecosystem Function - LB 20 - Live Discussion
Size compartmentalisation of energy channeling in terrestrial belowground food webs
Anton Potapov
Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences
Species richness promotes ecosystem carbon storage: Evidence from biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments
Shan Xu
Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Top-down control of biotic stability mechanisms by large mammalian herbivores
Carmen R. E. Watkins, Biology
University of Oregon
The role of plants and animals in transferring atmospheric mercury deposition within alpine ecosystems
Clifford R. Adamchak
University of Colorado, Boulder