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LB 17
Forest And Rangeland Management - LB 17
Thu, Aug 05, 2021:
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Novel silvicultural practices for mixed-species stand management for non-industrial private landowners
Darcey A. Collins
Department of Forestry, Mississippi State University
Effects of burning and timber harvest treatments on oak and maple populations in temperate mixed forest
Emily M. Booth
Department of Biology, Temple University
Difference in regeneration conditions in Pinus ponderosa dominated forests in northern California, USA, over an 83 year period
Sushil Nepal
Forest Resource Management (Biometrics), The University of British Columbia
FIA data in action: Science supporting management
Coeli M. Hoover
Northern Research Station, US Forest Service
Growth rates of ash trees inferred from annual rings in a lowland forest invaded by emerald ash borers
Nina Kress
Department of Life Sciences, Carroll University
Examining the effects of single tree and small gap timber harvest on breeding bird communities in New England
Brian R. Stokes
Tin Mountain Conservation Center
Varying effects of tree composition and diversity on the microclimate of European forests
Radim Matula
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Forest And Rangeland Management- LB 17 - Live Discussion
Samuel E. Jordan
University of Arizona
Simulating forest roads is necessary to determine the impacts of forest management on habitat amount and fragmentation
Clement Hardy
Pyrogenic carbon buffers excess nutrient fluxes in forest soils exposed to fire retardant
Si Gao
California State University Sacramento