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LB 12
Predation And Predator-Prey Interactions - LB 12
Thu, Aug 05, 2021:
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Lethal and nonlethal effects of predation on fertility and fecundity in Aedes aegypti
Shawna K. Bellamy
Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida
Non-consumptive predator effects influence pest suppression and optimal timing of predator release in augmentative biocontrol
Jessie Mutz
Biological Science, Florida State University
Downtown Diet: A global meta-analysis of urbanization on consumption patterns of vertebrate predators
Siria Gámez
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Applied Wildlife Ecology (AWE) Lab, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
Predation And Predator-Prey Interactions - LB 12 - Live Discussion
You startle me, you don’t: Antipredatory behaviour differs within populations in an aposematic toad species
Andrea Chiocchio
Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences, Università della Tuscia
Site-specific advantages of using different species predator cues to enhance oysters for restoration and aquaculture
Benjamin A. Belgrad
Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Stinging vs. feeding: Immune effects of invasive fire ants on a native lizard species
Catherine Tylan
Biology, Pennsylvania State University
Prey response to predation risk under chronic road noise
Alyssa Giordano
Biology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
The impacts of copper contamination on aquatic predator-prey interactions
Jonathan Chapman
Institute of Environment, Florida International University