2021 ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 - 6)

Rangeland Ecology Section Gathering and Business Meeting

9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Session Organizer:
Daniel I. Rubenstein, PhD.
Elizabeth G. King
Almost half of the earth’s terrestrial surface is classified as rangelands, which are natural, open-canopy ecosystems that support grazing animals – both domestic and wild. Rangeland ecology investigates the dynamics of these ecosystems as well as the applied concerns of their management, conservation, restoration, and resilience. This meeting is an opportunity to meet other folks interested in many diverse aspects of rangeland ecology – from wildlife ecology, soils and biogeochemistry, vegetation, ecosystem resilience, and climate change, to traditional ecological knowledge, rural livelihoods, and international development. Everyone is invited to this casual, lively get-together. We will plan next year’s award offerings, explore ideas for symposia and organized sessions, elect new officers (self-nominations welcome!), and hear what everyone’s been up to for the last year.