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COS 91
Vital Connections in Ecology: Multi-Trophic Interactions and Ecosystem Function 1
Wed, Aug 04, 2021:
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
On Demand
A conceptual framework for assessing the suitability of novel soil biological health indicators in varying agroecosystems
Tvisha K. Martin, M.S
Michigan State University
On Demand
Above-belowground effects of foundational tree range-expansions in treeless ecosystems
Gabriel Munoz
Concordia University
On Demand
Going against the flow: non-diffusive organismal movement influences local and meta-ecosystem functioning
Matteo Rizzuto
Yale University
On Demand
Increase in spatial overlap of ecologically similar rain forest mammals is associated with higher human density
Daniel Gorczynski
Rice University
On Demand
Investigating African forest elephant impacts on forest structure and carbon balance using multiscale lidar techniques
Jenna M. Keany
School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University
On Demand
Predators and prey-derived necromass impact local ecosystem processes
Yaya Tang
Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
On Demand
Road types shape the vegetation in the Gobi desert of Mongolia
Sainchuluu Amarsanaa
Ecology, Mongolian University of Life Sciences
On Demand
Root hemiparasitic plants are associated with more even communities across North America
Jasna Hodzic
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington
On Demand
Tri-trophic interactions in a plant-arthropod-parasitoid system drive spatial patterns of herbivory in a temperate forest
Michael C. LaScaleia
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut