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COS 82
Remote Sensing And Image Analysis 1
Wed, Aug 04, 2021:
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Kristen D. Emmett
On Demand
An image is worth a thousand species: Combining deep neural networks and high-resolution satellite imagery to predict plant biodiversity
Lauren Gillespie
Stanford University
On Demand
Biodiversity and ecosystem function in three dimensions: Using NEON airborne remote sensing to understand ecosystem patterns and processes in a temperate forest
Kyla M. Dahlin
Michigan State University
On Demand
Forecasting fine fuels in the Intermountain West
Mira Ensley-Field
Wildland Resources, Utah State University
On Demand
From plot to region: Assessing tropical cloud forest structure and composition at regional scales
Adriana Uscanga
Department of Geography, University of Oregon
On Demand
Hotter and drier climate made the Mediterranean Europe and Northern Africa (MENA) region a shrubbier landscape
Wei Fang
Department of Biology, Pace University
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Identifying climatic microrefugia for biodiversity in mountain regions using a thermal unmanned aerial vehicle
Raúl Hoffrén
Department of Geography and Land Management, University of Zaragoza
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Leaf contours delineate genetic control of leaf shape and predict ecological traits of trees
Anshuman Swain
Department of Biology, University of Maryland
On Demand
Remote sensing estimates of biomass and nitrogen content for improved modeling of subtropical pasture productivity
Hunter Smith
Agronomy, University of Florida
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Using multi-scale imagery and a novel landscape competition index to quantify shrub-shrub competition in the Jornada Basin
Robert R. Wojcikiewicz
New Mexico State University