2021 ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 - 6)

COS 12 Invasion: Invasibility, Stability, And Diversity

11:00 AM-12:00 PM
On Demand
Assessing the drivers of vegetation succession on abandoned sugarcane land
Damien Nākoa Farrant, n/a, University of California, Santa Barbara;
On Demand
Identifying new invasives in the face of climate change: A focus on sleeper species
Ayodele C. Ouhuru, University of Massachusetts- Amherst;
On Demand
Identifying the biogeographic traits of invasive plants’ native habitats
William G. Pfadenhauer, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
On Demand
Implications of invasive microbes on native microbiome diversity and growth of perennial biofeedstock plants
Jessica A. M Moore, Biosciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory;
On Demand
Macroscale patterns in the per capita effects of plant invasions
Evelyn Beaury, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
On Demand
Phylogenetic insights into the invasion paradox
Adrienne R. Ernst, Plant Biology and Conservation, Northwestern University and Chicago Botanic Garden;
On Demand
On Demand