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COS 46
Forest And Rangeland Management 1
Tue, Aug 03, 2021:
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
On Demand
Douglas-fir encroachment reduces drought resistance in Oregon white oak of northern California
Jill J. Beckmann
School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University
On Demand
Effects of long-term drought on conifers across Northern California
Wallis Robinson
University of California Cooperative Extension Humboldt and Del Norte Counties
On Demand
Examining the effects of functional diversity on tree growth and vigor across California and Oregon conifer-hardwood forest landscapes
Christopher Looney
Ecosystem Function and Health Program, USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station
On Demand
Forests, forest management and climate change – understanding the existing forest offset market and its connection to practical forest management in the United States
Lilli Kaarakka, PhD
California Polytechnic State University
On Demand
Fostering native palms and trees to increase resilience of cattle rangelands to drought
Ivan Raniero Hernández-Salmerón
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Wageningen University
On Demand
Impact of fire-grazing interactions on vegetation composition and structure in subtropical humid grasslands
Elizabeth H. Boughton
Archbold Biological Station
On Demand
Monitoring changes in the areal extent of mixed softwood/hardwood forest stands in a southern state, USA
James F. Rosson
USDA Forest Service; Southern Research Station
On Demand
The effect of indigenous tenure on deforestation in the neotropics – results from a data-intensive assessment of Central America and the Amazon
Daniel Schoenig
Université du Québec à Montréal
On Demand
To plant or not to plant: Role of forestry plantations in meeting climate stabilization goals
Jennifer L. Carroll
School of Forest Resources, University of Maine
On Demand
Tree mortality across competitive and geographic gradients in Northern California
Sophia Lemmo
Forestry & Wildland Resources, Humboldt State University