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COS 11
Conservation Management 1
Mon, Aug 02, 2021:
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Caroline Brinegar
On Demand
Addressing uncertainty in extinction risk due to projection length
Michelle DePrenger-Levin
Denver Botanic Gardens
On Demand
Building interpretable solutions for adaptive management with artificial intelligence
Jonathan Ferrer Mestres
Land and Water, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
On Demand
Calling an action plan to action: Designing and implementing California’s Marine Protected Area Long-term Monitoring Program
Sara Worden
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
On Demand
Changes in water quality at the edge-of-field and stream scale after implementation of agricultural conservation practices as part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Priority Watersheds program
Luke C. Loken
Upper Midwest Water Science Center, USGS
On Demand
How do Midwest farmers perceive soil health management? Using qualitative interviews to understand attitudes about, expected benefits from, and the practices used to improve soil quality
Rachel M. Irvine
Environmental Resilience Institute, Indiana University
On Demand
Modelling interaction of genetic problems in small populations and minimum viable population size
Peter Nabutanyi
Theoretical Biology, Faculty of Biology, Bielefeld University
On Demand
Pantropical assessment of mammals and birds reveals significant declines within protected areas
Lydia Beaudrot, PhD
Rice University
On Demand
Seasonal nutrient removal from agricultural drainage ditches using low-grade weirs
Jeffrey S. Strock
Southwest Research & Outreach Center, University of Minnesota
On Demand
Selection and implementation of successful management interventions for a California red-legged frog population undergoing rapid environmental change
Esther C. Adelsheim
Stanford University
On Demand
Using lichen communities as indicators of forest age and conservation value
Jesse E. D Miller
University of CA at Davis