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COS 57
Climate Change: Plants 3
Tue, Aug 03, 2021:
1:30 PM-2:30 PM
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Assessing the potential distribution and net primary productivity of Tectona grandis under climate change in India
Rajit Gupta
Environmental Science, Central University of Rajasthan
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Changes in the space-trait occupation of species in response to drought
Slendy Rodríguez-Alarcón
University of Tartu
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Digging below the surface: Belowground adaptations to drought in Australian eucalypt woodlands
Helen M. Bothwell
Research School of Biology, Australian National University
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Forest mortality risk to future climate and hydrology in a riparian woodland ecosystem
Xiaonan Tai
Biology, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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Increased temperatures shift flower height distributions and seed dispersal patterns in invasive thistles
Trevor Drees
Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University
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Reciprocal common gardens reveal the potential for adaptive phenotypic plasticity in Fremont cottonwood
Hillary F. Cooper
Northern Arizona University
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Tropical wet forest root specific respiration responses to experimental warming and hurricane disturbance
Rob P. Tunison
Michigan Technological University