2021 ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 - 6)

COS 86 Biogeochemistry: Aboveground-Belowground Interactions

12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Toby M. Maxwell
On Demand
On Demand
Feedstock, climate, and management effects on sustainability of biofuel crops
Stephanie Juice, Department of Biology, West Virginia University;
On Demand
Marine rhizosphere: the diversity and function of the mangrove forest microbiome
Natalia Erazo, Scripps Institution of Oceanography;
On Demand
Soil phosphorus availability influences nitrogen-fixing seedlings performance in tropical dry forests
Laura Toro, Plant and Microbial Biology, University Of Minnesota;
On Demand
The return of fire in a transitioning forest: Ecosystem processes and soil biodiversity in fire-excluded, southern Appalachian forests
Melanie K. K. Taylor, Forest Zoology, Technical University of Dresden, Tharandt Germany;