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COS 86
Biogeochemistry: Aboveground-Belowground Interactions
Wed, Aug 04, 2021:
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Toby M. Maxwell
On Demand
Above- and belowground responses to increased N and P availability from chronic fertilization and fire suppression
Matthew A. Nieland
Kansas State University
On Demand
Do positive intercropping effects carry over to the subsequent crop in the rotation?
Amit Kumar
Leuphana University of Lüneburg
On Demand
Feedstock, climate, and management effects on sustainability of biofuel crops
Stephanie Juice
Department of Biology, West Virginia University
On Demand
Integrating the ecology of the soil microbiome into our understanding of bioproduct agroecosystem productivity and sustainability
Jenni Kane, M.S.
West Virginia University
On Demand
Marine rhizosphere: the diversity and function of the mangrove forest microbiome
Natalia Erazo
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
On Demand
Moving belowground with drought: Mycorrhizal association controls C allocation responses to water stress by temperate forest trees
Nanette Raczka
Department of Biology, West Virginia University
On Demand
Plants adjust nutrient acquisition strategies to nutrient availability over tropical forest succession
Michelle Wong
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
On Demand
Pre-fire hydroclimate and plant-community composition influence post-fire soil resource availability and resistance and resilience in the sagebrush steppe
Toby M. Maxwell
Biological Sciences, Boise State University
On Demand
Soil phosphorus availability influences nitrogen-fixing seedlings performance in tropical dry forests
Laura Toro
Plant and Microbial Biology, University Of Minnesota
On Demand
The return of fire in a transitioning forest: Ecosystem processes and soil biodiversity in fire-excluded, southern Appalachian forests
Melanie K. K. Taylor
Forest Zoology, Technical University of Dresden, Tharandt Germany