2021 ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 - 6)

Surviving racism and sexism in academia: Experiences and insights

On Demand
Priyanga Amarasekare, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles;

Gender bias is a pervasive phenomenon in higher education. It occurs at all levels, from undergraduates to postdoctoral trainees, and affects all women regardless of their social identity (e.g., race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc.,). A deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of gender bias is essential in developing protective measures to protect females of all ages from both explicit and implicit forms of this bias. I will draw on my long experience of having been on both sides of this issue --- first as a student and trainee, and then as a researcher and educator.


I will present evidence of gender bias that occurs at all levels of education, from undergraduates to postdoctoral trainees. I will talk about how one trains oneself to respond, rather than react to, such biases. I will draw upon my own experiences to suggest measures that serve to both protect victims from ongoing gender bias as well as recurrence of such bias in the future. I will discuss strategies and techniques for addressing gender bias the forestall punishment or retaliation.