COS 142 -
Urban Ecosystems 3
Urban forest patches: A social-ecological model for understanding drivers of change
Lea Johnson, Longwood Gardens, University of Maryland;
Michelle L. Johnson, USDA Forest Service;
Myla F.J. Aronson, Rutgers University;
Lindsay K. Campbell, USDA Forest Service;
Megan E. Carr, University of Maryland;
Mysha Clarke, University of Florida;
Vincent D'Amico III, USDA Forest Service;
Lindsay Darling, The Morton Aboretum;
Tedward Erker, University of Wisconsin;
Robert Fahey, University of Connecticut;
Katherine Lautar, Baltimore Greenspace;
Dexter H. Locke, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), USDA Forest Service;
Anita T. Morzillo, University of Connecticut;
Stephanie Pincetl, UCLA;
Luke Rhodes, Fairmont Park Conservancy;
John Paul Schmit, US National Park Service;
Lydia Scott, The Morton Arboretum;
Nancy F. Sonti, USDA Forest Service