2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

COS 240 - Disease And Epidemiology 10

The impact of host metapopulation structure on short-term evolutionary rescue in the face of a novel pathogenic threat
Jing Jiao, University of Tennessee; Michael Gilchrist, University of Tennessee; Nina H. Fefferman, University of Tennessee
Sex-biases in transmission and infection severity shape differential impacts in a virulent fungal pathogen of bats
Macy Kailing, Virginia Tech; Joseph R. Hoyt, Virginia Tech; Kate E. Langwig, Virginia Tech
Empirical dynamic modeling reveals ecological drivers of dengue dynamics
Nicole Nova, Stanford University; Ethan Deyle, UC San Diego, Boston University; Marta Shocket, University of California Los Angeles; Andrew J. MacDonald, University of California, UC Santa Barbara; Marissa L. Childs, Stanford University; Martin Rypdal, UiT The Arctic University of Norway; George Sugihara, University of California San Diego; Erin Mordecai, Stanford University
Understanding Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis optical density measurements with zoospore counts and MTT assays
Zach Gajewski, Virginia Tech; Jamie L Voyles, University of Nevada, Reno; Leah R. Johnson, Virginia Tech
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