2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

COS 200 - Biogeochemistry: New Paradigms In Biogeochem Cycling 3

Do higher-quality plant tissue inputs promote organic matter accumulation more efficiently than lower-quality inputs? Insights from a dual-isotope pulse-chase experiment in subtropical pasture
Chris Wilson, University of Florida; Michael S Strickland, University of Idaho; Jose Dubeux, University of Florida; Lynn E. Sollenberger, University of Florida; Stacy A. Smith, University of Florida; Gabriel Maltais-Landry, University of Florida; Stefan Gerber, University of Florida IFAS
Nitrogen inputs and losses following disturbance: A slippery slope
Jessie Motes, University of Georgia; Ernie Osburn, Virginia Tech; Katherine J. Elliott, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory; Chelcy F. Miniat, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory; J. E. Barrett, Virginia Tech; Nina Wurzburger, University of Georgia
The natural abundance of δ13C is a better signal of moss-associated N fixation than δ15N in boreal and Arctic Alaska
Julia EM Stuart, Northern Arizona University; Michelle Mack, Northern Arizona University
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