2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

COS 92 - Big Data In Ecology - New Ecological Insights 5

Continental-scale effects of forest fragmentation
Luca Morreale, Boston University; Lucy R. Hutyra, Boston University; Jonathan R. Thompson, Harvard University
The pan-tropical spread of tree plantations: Implications for global forest regrowth
Matthew Fagan, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; DoHyung Kim, UNICEF; Wesley Settle, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Lexie Ferry, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Justin Drew, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Haven Carlson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Joshua Schaferbien, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Joshua Slaughter, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cross-scale interaction of host tree size and climate governs bark beetle-induced tree mortality
Michael J. Koontz, University of Colorado, Boulder, University of California Davis; Andrew M. Latimer, University of California Davis; Leif A. Mortenson, USDA Forest Service; Christopher. J. Fettig, USDA Forest Service; Malcolm P. North, USDA Forest Service, University of California Davis
Western monarch summer range expansion slows as population declines
Collin B. Edwards, Tufts University; Elizabeth Crone, Tufts University
Exploring phylogenetic based predictions for ecologically important microbial functional traits
Jeth Walkup, West Virginia University; Ember Morrissey, West Virginia University
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