2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

LB 15 - Environmental Impact And Risk Assessment

Assessing the impacts of oil and gas wastewater dumping in the Permian Basin on soil microbial communities
Mitra Kashani, USGS; Mark Engle, University of Texas - El Paso; Doug Kent, USGS; Terry Gregston, Bureau of Land Management; William Orem, USGS; Isabelle Cozzarelli, USGS; Adam C Mumford, USGS; Denise Akob, USGS
Drought and crown scorch predict delayed mortality in incense cedar, ponderosa pine and white fir in Californian forests
Jason Barker, Alta Larix Consulting; Andrew N. Gray, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; Jeremy S. Fried, US Forest Service
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