2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

LB 12 - Disease And Epidemiology

The effects of coloration on susceptibility to nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) infection in Agraulis vanillae larvae
Michelle A. Velesrubio, University of San Diego; Arietta Fleming-Davies, University of San Diego
Protective effects of intact ocular microbiomes in house finches are unrepeatable and not dependent on pathogen dose
Chava L. Weitzman, Virginia Tech; Bahman Rostama, University of New England; Lisa Belden, Virginia Tech; Meghan May, University of New England; Dana M. Hawley, Virginia Tech
Full genome sequencing shows evidence of regional pathogen diversity in Agraulis vanillae nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgvaNPV)
Savannah Shields, University of San Diego; Arietta Fleming-Davies, University of San Diego
Coinfection of athropod-borne pathogens in potential rodent reservoirs in norther Illinois
Sean M Beckmann, Stetson University; Fernanda Chavez, Rockford University; Rhonda J. Freund, Rockford University; Malcolm Engelbrecht, Rockford University; Gissel A Rojas, Stetson University; Taggart Venegas, Rockford University
Climate affects the survivorship and host-seeking behavior of medically relevant ticks
Lauren Dedmon, Pepperdine University; Mark Pangilinan, Pepperdine University; Sang Hyo Kim, Pepperdine University; Jahred Quan, Pepperdine University; Javier Monzón, Pepperdine University
Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi among rodents in central Florida
Terykah S Hollis, Stetson University; Sean M Beckmann, Stetson University
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