2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

PS 67 - Urban Ecosystems

Planting weeds: Clover inclusion in urban grasslands
Paige Boyle, Utah State University; Kelly Kopp, Utah State University
Effects of soil amendments and crop varieties on evapotranspiration in an urban garden and potential for urban heat island mitigation
Gaston E. Small, University of St. Thomas; Ivan Jimenez, University of St. Thomas; Michael Salzl, University of St. Thomas; Paliza Shrestha, University of Minnesota
Built by nature: Community and function in natural and structurally analogous urban systems
Katherine Manning, Kent State University; Reid Coffman, Kent State University; Christie Bahlai, Kent State University
Tree growth and health are changed by land pavement in Beijing China
Xiaoke Wang, University of Chinese Adademy of Sciences; Bowen Cui, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The relationship of urban green space to urban expansion based on gravity methods
Qizhen Li, Central South University of Forestry and Technology; David J. Gibson, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Saroj Thapa, Southern Ilinois University; Xijun Hu, Central South University of Forestry and Technology
Baltimore forest fragment soils: Changes in nutrients over 17 years
Ian Yesilonis, Johns Hopkins University; Katalin Szlavecz, Johns Hopkins University; Yinhong Hu, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Vincent Giorgio, NYC Environmental Protection; Richard Pouyat, Emeritus, USDA Forest Service
Evapotranspiration of irrigated residential lawns across the United States
Noortje Grijseels, University of Utah; Elizaveta Litvak, University of Utah; Diane Pataki, University of Utah
Are native bees declining in southeastern Massachusetts?
Ludimira Ribeiro, Massasoit Community College; Joshua P Keady, Massasoit Community College; Adam Germaine, Massasoit Community College; Prisca Sanon, Massasoit Community College; Folusho Ajayi, Massasoit Community College; Andrew Oguma, Massasoit Community College; Michael Bankson, Massasoit Community College
Evidence for competition between honey bees and bumble bees in southeastern Massachusetts
Samuel Wong, Massasoit Community College; Vania Lopes, Massasoit Community College; Adam Germaine, Massasoit Community College; Prisca Sanon, Massasoit Community College; Folusho Ajayi, Massasoit Community College; Andrew Oguma, Massasoit Community College; Michael Bankson, Massasoit Community College
Assessing the impacts of seasonal leaf litter disturbance on overwintering pollinators and natural enemies
Max H. Ferlauto, University of Maryland; Karin T. Burghardt, University of Maryland, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Using biosolids and compost to restore urban soil function and improve conditions for tree establishment
Emily C. Keener, University of Maryland College Park; Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman, University of Maryland
Effects of aviation noise, anthropogenic noise pollution, daily and seasonal rhythms of natural noise, on avian communication along a noise pollution gradient
Paola Garrison-Tovar, Southern Utah University; Jazmine James, Southern Utah University; Denton Shepherd, Southern Utah University; Rachel Bolus, Southern Utah University
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