2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

PS 46 - Trophic Dynamics And Interactions

Soil nutrients and plant functional traits mediate plant-fungi associations
Lei Chen, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Weak interactions stabilize strong interactions: An experimental test of food web theory
Clara A. Woodie, University of California, Riverside; Kurt Anderson, University of California, Riverside
Pest consumption by arthropod generalist predators increases with crop stage in organic and conventional rice farms
Gen-Chang Hsu, National Taiwan University; Jia-Ang Ou, National Taiwan University; Chuan-Kai Ho, National Taiwan University
Long-term heterotroph removal leads to continual increases in aboveground productivity benefits over successive growing seasons
Molly Kuhs, University of Minnesota; Max Zaret, University of Minnesota; Nicholas C. Wornson, University of Minnesota; Jon C. Anderson, University of Minnesota; Elizabeth T. Borer, University of Minnesota; Eric W. Seabloom, University of Minnesota; Linda L. Kinkel, University of Minnesota
The role of spider mesopredators in shaping the arthropod community
Jerilyn Jean M. Calaor, Iowa State University; Haldre S. Rogers, Iowa State University
Predator diversity and intraguild predation influence primary producer biomass and stability via cascading effects in model food webs
Chase J. Rakowski, University of Texas at Austin; Mathew A. Leibold, University of Florida; Caroline Farrior, University of Texas at Austin
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