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PS 61
- Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, Connectivity
PS 61-
Effects of vegetation density and connectivity on insect herbivores and natural enemies in urban gardens
Azucena Lucatero
University of California Santa Cruz
Stacy M. Philpott
University of California, Santa Cruz
PS 61-
Remote sensing of kangaroo rat mound demographics and mound impacts on landscape processes in the northern Chihuahuan desert
Taylor Hansen
New Mexico State University
Brianna Lind
New Mexico State University
Niall P. Hanan
New Mexico State University
Lara Prihodko
South Dakota State University
PS 61-
Experimental habitat fragmentation reveals a shift in the isotopic niche of the forest wood scorpion,
Cercophonius squama
Nolan Perryman
University of Colorado Boulder
Matthew Bitters
University of Colorado
Julian Resasco
University of Colorado
Kendi Davies
University of Colorado
Jacqui Stol
PS 61-
What is habitat complexity? A cross-disciplinary review of methodologies, recent advances, and challenges
Cassandra Glaspie
Louisiana State University
Lincoln Critchley
Macquarie University
Joseph Kenworthy
Macquarie University
Peter Mahoney
Macquarie University
Dominic Mcafee
University of Adelaide
PS 61-
Forest fragmentation is a strong indicator of bee abundance and richness across an urban gradient in southeastern Massachusetts
Michael DeMaesschalck
Massasoit Community College
Jared Cullen
Massasoit Community College
Adam Germaine
Massasoit Community College
Prisca Sanon
Massasoit Community College
Folusho Ajayi
Massasoit Community College
Andrew Oguma
Massasoit Community College
Michael Bankson
Massasoit Community College
PS 61-
Increasing wind dispersal with informed conservation corridor and connectivity design
Dirk Baker
Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Katherine Charton
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gil Bohrer
Ohio State University
Jay R. Turner
Washington University
Ellen I. Damschen
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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