2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

PS 53 - Communities: Spatial Patterns And Environmental Gradients

Environmental sensitivity of soil microbial communities increases in association with plant roots in salt marsh ecosystems
Steven Travis, Univ. of New England; Matt R. Simon, Tufts University; Gregory Zogg, University of New England
Soil heterogeneity dictates the microbial species-time-area relationship during the conversion of marginal lands into biofuel crop (switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L.)
Colin Bates, University of Oklahoma; Jialiang Kuang, University of Oklahoma; Arthur Escalas, University of Montpellier; Lauren Hale, University of Oklahoma; Yuan Wang, The Noble Research Institute; Don Herman, University of California, Berkeley; Ying Fu, The University of Oklahoma; Renmao Tian, The Institute of Environmental Genomics; Liyou Wu, University of Oklahoma; Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Malay Saha, The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation; Kelly Craven, The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation; Mary K. Firestone, University of California, Berkeley; Jizhong Zhou, University of Oklahoma
Soil-geomorphic properties mediate plant community resilience to land use and drying climate on the Colorado Plateau
Anna C. Knight, U.S. Geological Survey; Michael Duniway, U.S. Geological Survey; John B. Bradford, U.S. Geological Survey; Seth M. Munson, U.S. Geological Survey; Travis W. Nauman, U.S. Geological Survey; Christopher Benson, U.S. Geological Survey; Dana L. Witwicki, National Park Service; Matthew W. Van Scoyoc, National Park Service; Terry Fisk, National Park Service
Network architecture and community composition of root endophytes across an environmental gradient in the alpine tundra
Monica Brady, Tulane University; Clifton P. Bueno de Mesquita, University of Colorado, Boulder; Dorota L. Porazinska, University of Colorado; Marko Spasojevic, University of California Riverside; Jane G. Smith, University of Colorado; Steven K. Schmidt, University of Colorado; Katharine N. Suding, University of Colorado, Boulder; Emily Farrer, Tulane University
A picture is worth a thousand words: Characterization of salt marsh plant communities in a Georgia salt marsh through photographic annotation
Jacob Simon, University of Georgia; Brian Hopkinson, University of Georgia; Steven Pennings, University of Houston; Suchi Bhandarkar, University of Georgia; Jayant Parashar, University of Georgia
Evidence of bistability and robust criticality at a diffuse alpine treeline
Caroline Peters, Colorado College; Mira Peterson, Colorado College; Anya Steinberg, Colorado College; Hayes Henderson, Colorado College; Ali McGarigal, Colorado College; Miroslav Kummel, Colorado College
The spatial-temporal structure of prairie dog towns: patterns and processes from ecological engineering
Pat Todd, University of Colorado Boulder; Andrew Martin, University of Colorado - Boulder
Microclimate effects on conifer seedling germination in an old-growth forest
Emma Campbell, Lewis & Clark College; Margaret Metz, Lewis & Clark College
The effect of ecotypic diversity on grassland community assembly along a longitudinal aridity gradient
Zhe Ren, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; David J. Gibson, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Sara Baer, University of Kansas; Loretta Johnson, Kansas State University; Laurel R. Wilson, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Flowering phenology and community composition impact pollinator foraging behavior in White Mountains, CA
Elijah Hall, University of California, Riverside; Nicole E. Rafferty, University of California, Riverside
Taxon-specific analysis reveals the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on bacterial communities in Louisiana wetland soils
McKenzie Smith, Tulane University; Christina Birnbaum, Murdoch University; Pawel Waryszak, Tulane University; Susannah Halbrook, Tulane University; Monica Brady, Tulane University; Caitlin Bumby, Tulane University; Danielle Kulick, Tulane University; Sean F.H. Lee, Tulane University; Carolyn Schroeder, Tulane University; William Wilber, Tulane University; Emily Farrer, Tulane University
Neighbor interactions at an alpine treeline partially support stress-gradient hypothesis
Ella Hartshorn, Colorado College; Miroslav Kummel, Colorado College
Inverse responses of species richness and niche specialization to human development in wetlands
Cari D. Ficken, University at Buffalo, University of Waterloo; Martin Jeanmougin, Université Grenoble Alpes; Jan J. H. Ciborowski, University of Calgary; Rebecca Rooney, University of Waterloo
­Differences between above and belowground plant communities: A comparison between urban and rural forests
Emily Conway, Michigan State University; Max R. Piana, Rutgers University; Myla FJ Aronson, Rutgers University
Predictors of larval native and invasive rock pool mosquito abundance in the southern Appalachians
James Vonesh, Virginia Commonwealth University; Michael McCoy, East Carolina University; Brian Byrd, Western Carolina University; Andy Davidson, Virginia Commonwealth University; C. Ryland Stunkle, Virginia Commonwealth University; Richie Dang, Virginia Commonwealth University; Joshua Vonesh, Virginia Commonwealth University; Sarah Goodnight, Eastern Carolina University; Corey Day, Eastern Carolina University
The impact of urbanization on Bombus vs. other wild bee genera in southeastern Massachusetts
Junyves Valme Pierre, Massasoit Community College; Eric Visser, Massasoit Community College; Vania Lopes, Massasoit Community College; Adam Germaine, Massasoit Community College; Prisca Sanon, Massasoit Community College; Folusho Ajayi, Massasoit Community College; Andrew Oguma, Massasoit Community College; Michael Bankson, Massasoit Community College
Solitary trees stabilize diversity under nitrogen deposition and extreme drought
Elise Tulloss, La Salle High School; Mary L. Cadenasso, University of California, Davis
The effects of body-size dependent dispersal on stability of trophic metacommunities
Kurt Anderson, University of California, Riverside; Ashkaan K. Fahimipour, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Testing invasion theory predictions in earthworm communities in southwest Virginia
Rachel Collins, Roanoke College; Emma M. Coogan, Roanoke College
Dependent communities of foundation species are structured by host plant adaptation to climate
Julia B. Hull, Northern Arizona University; Helen M. Bothwell, Australian National University; Arthur R. Keith, Northern Arizona University; Gery Allan, Northern Arizona University; Thomas G. Whitham, Northern Arizona University; Catherine Gehring, Northern Arizona University
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