2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

PS 55 - Conservation Planning, Policy, And Theory

Arizona Monarch Collaborative: Connecting across sectors for conservation
Kathryn A. Thomas, US Geological Survey; Rachel Williams, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Cheri Boucher, Arizona Game and Fish Department; Ron Day, The Nature Conservancy's Muleshoe Ranch; Kristin J. Gade, Arizona Department of Transportation; Lisa Thornley, Bureau of Land Management
An appreciation of the Moss-Kosmos for biocultural conservation in China and Chile
Danqiong Zhu, University Of North Texas (UNT), University of North Texas, Xidian University; Terrance E. Caviness III, Universidad de Magallanes; Alejandra Tauro, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Shaun Russell, Bangor University; Ricardo Rozzi, IEB-UMAG-UNT
How can data of local communities’ perception of grey and green integrated infrastructure contribute to decision making about coastal planning?: A case study of Japan
Yui Omori, Kyoto University; Yasushi Shoji, Hokkaido University; Takahiro Tsuge, Konan University; Koichi Kuriyama, Kyoto University; Ayumi Onuma, Keio University
Evaluating species richness combining remote sensing and species distribution model to overcome the geographical gaps of data
Hyeyeong Choe, Kangwon National University; Junhwa Chi, Korea Polar Research Institute
A decade of illegal and legal tiger products entering the United States
Sarika Khanwilkar, Columbia University, Wild Tiger; Monique Sosnowski, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Using ecological resilience and geomorphic sensitivity concepts to develop a shared stewardship approach for managing riparian ecosystems
Jeanne Chambers, USDA Forest Service; Jerry R. Miller, Western Carolina University; Mark L. Lord, Western Carolina University
Challenges to implement multi-dimensional land use planning models in developing countries
Sonia Delphin Perez, University of Arizona; Sophia Tanner, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Stuart E. Marsh, University of Arizona; Katherine Snyder, University of Arizona; Karim Musalem, World Wildlife Fund; Jose R Soto, University of Arizona
Gender role-based perceptions of and adaptations to climate change in Pacific Small Island States
Sarah A Koger, Brigham Young University; Richard A. Gill, Brigham Young University
Determining the most efficient stratification of Asclepias syricaca of various ecotypes
Peranteau Stephen, Kutztown University of PA; Christopher F. Sacchi, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Analyzing the patterns of US spending on endangered species to understand the costs of increasing extinction risk under climate change
Arianna Stokes, University of California at Davis; Fran Moore, University of California at Davis
Simulation models account for uncertainty and reveal impacts of future development on Alaskan wildlife
Timothy Fullman, The Wilderness Society; Ben Sullender, Audubon Alaska; Matthew Cameron, National Park Service; Kyle Joly, National Park Service
Improving distribution modeling of Mexican montane forest vegetation to estimate responses to changes in land use
Courtni D. Holness, City College of New York; Erica Johnson, The Graduate Center, City University of New York; Robert P. Anderson, City College of New York, City University of New York
Carbon and albedo: The climate impact of biofuels and reforestation in the northeastern United States
Charlotte Levy, University of Massachusetts; Christine L. Goodale, Cornell University; Natalie M. Mahowald, Cornell University; David Weinstein, Cornell University; Timothy J. Fahey, Cornell University
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