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COS 64
- Education: Tools & Technology
COS 64-
A guide for non-experts: Using ecological image data to prototype expert-level artificial intelligence based species classifiers
Herman Chege
University of Vermont
Easton White
University of Vermont
Nicholas Cheney
University of Vermont
Melissa Pespeni
University of Vermont
COS 64-
Data, interactive apps, and reaching communities: Lessons from EPA's EnviroAtlas
Jessica Daniel
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
COS 64-
Start the revolution! Citizen artist: Reaching broader audiences for crowdsourced science
Lee Ann Woolery
Citizen Artist
COS 64-
Is it possible for students to analyze data using R when doing course-based research in introductory biology?
Marney Pratt
Smith College
COS 64-
Effect of more frequent trap checks on small mammal trapping outcomes and student experience
Julie Beston
University of Wisconsin-Stout
COS 64-
Engaging with tradeoffs: Describing how undergraduates consider tradeoffs when using a structured decision-making tool to solve socio-ecological issues
P. Citlally Jimenez
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Annette Wierzbicki
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Jenny Dauer
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
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