Thursday, August 6, 2020: 3:00 PM-3:30 PM
In recent years, there has been tremendous interest in programs and interventions aimed at recruitment and retention of diverse students in science. Despite these efforts, ecology continues to experience low participation of racial and ethnic minorities. Recruitment has been a major focus, and although we have some ideas as to factors influencing retention and success, specifics remain elusive. What are the personal, community, and institutional factors driving student success and retention - and how do they interact? What types of analytics and interventions will make a difference - for whom and when? The symposium focuses on data-driven approaches that can lead to more effective interventions and increased participation in the field.
We present key methods and programs that offer personalized interventions and educational technologies that are responsive to specific student and career development needs in ecology/science education. Timely application of these methods and programs have high potential to address inequities in education and access to opportunities. The talks present 1) the use of learning analytics that have transformed institutional ability to recognize and respond to students at-risk of falling behind, at scale; 2) an interpretation of the role of access to learning resources and of psychosocial factors affecting program and student success, and; 3) a collective impact approach to career mentoring undergraduates through college and professionals at the early career stage at multiple scales.
Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs.
Access to learning resources investigates the role of student awareness of and willingness to tap sources for academic support.
Psychosocial metrics include measures of student perceptions of self-efficacy, sense of identity as a scientist, sense of belonging in the scientific community, and scientific leadership in the broader community.
Collective impact is a form of cross-sector collaboration of otherwise disparate and unconnected efforts to address complex social and environmental challenges. Efforts are brought together by a) a common agenda, b) shared measurements and a strategic learning process, c) reinforcing, high leverage activities, d) inclusive community engagement, and e) a social innovation movement facilitated by active leadership.
Together, the symposium presents aspects of current research in the science of inclusion in ecology education and proposes actionable avenues for the community to engage, from individual advising and mentoring to participation in social innovation at local, regional and national scales.