2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

LB 7 Abstract - Diversity, composition, and distribution of lichens at tropical mountain forest in Selangor, Malaysia

Azlan Abas, Center for Research in Social, Development and Environment, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia

Lichen species diversity, composition, and distribution vary across the difference in geographical areas and environmental conditions. This study aims to explore how lichen diversity, composition, and distribution vary with altitude and environmental factors (temperature and relative humidity). This study was conducted at Gunung Lepo, Selangor and random sampling technique was applied to collect lichen samples. The diversity, composition, similarity, and correspondence of lichen species in Gunung Lepo, Selangor were analyzed.


Based on this study, 37 lichen species were identified. Lichen species diversity, composition, and distribution were varied by forest’s altitude with lichen family of Graphidaceae and Physciaceae were present at all altitudes. Lichen diversity, composition, and distribution were higher at higher forest’s altitude compare to a lower altitude. The montane forest’s altitude can be classified into two types according to whether they had higher forest’s altitude or lower forest’s altitude. Also, the dominance lichen species were changing from lower to higher forest’s altitude, with species of Parmeliaceae were only found at higher forest’s altitude while C. xanthina and few species from Physciaceae only presence at lower forest’s altitude. Lichen species diversity, composition, and distribution were significantly correlated to the forest’s altitude and environmental factors. These findings will provide additional information about the tropical montane forest of Malaysia’s lichen plus, enhancing knowledge on how to manage and sustain lichen in tropical montane forest.