2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

COS 171 Abstract - High-energy fires reduce Juniperus virginiana and Prosopis glandulosa densities in invaded grasslands

Carissa Wonkka1, Matthew B. Dickinson2, Kathleen L. Kavanagh3, Alexandra G. Lodge4, William E. Rogers5, Heath D. Starns6, Douglas R. Tolleson6, Morgan L. Treadwell7 and Dirac Twidwell8, (1)Agronomy & Horticulture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, (2)Northern Research Station, US Forest Service, Delaware, OH, (3)College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, (4)Forest invasive species program, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, College Station, MN, (5)Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, (6)Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Sonora, TX, (7)Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX, (8)Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE

Conventional prescribed fire has been ineffective at restoring grass-dominated ecosystems following conversion to high density Juniper forest or resprouting shrublands; mechanical and chemical restoration are often cost-prohibitive. Conventional grassland management fires are low intensity fires conducted under conditions least likely to overcome shrub mortality thresholds. In addition, fire is typically incorporated into experiments as a categorical treatment: burned, not burned. Variability in fire behavior along continuous gradients, such as fireline intensity, largely determines fire effects via the amount of heat to which organisms are exposed. We conducted a suite of experiments at multiple scales to explore the potential for high-energy fires to reduce the density of resprouting and non-resprouting shrubs in invaded grasslands. We conducted a small-scale replicated experiment exposing focal Prosopis glandulosa individuals to high- and low-energy fires. We measured fire energy with infrared imagery in order to evaluate resprouting response to fire energy as a continuous variable rather than a binary classification. At the landscape scale, we evaluated the responses of a Juniperus virginiana forest and a Prosopis-Acacia resprouting shrubland to high-energy fires.


We found that resprouting vigor of focal mesquite trees in the small-scale experiment decreased with increasing fire energy. In large-scale experiments, Juniperus dominance was easily overcome with high-energy prescribed fire in the juniper-dominated grassland. Mortality of resprouting shrubs in Prosopis-Acacia invaded grasslands depends on fire energy and the characteristics of individual shrubs (e.g. height), as well as species-specific traits. Our findings show that high-energy fire can increase the effectiveness of ecological restoration for shrub-invaded grasslands. These findings challenge common dogmas regarding the reversibility of alternative state shifts. This is not a failure of the theories and frameworks for understanding grass-tree codominace, but rather a direct result of our limitations in testing them. Opportunities for overcoming ecosystem resilience to achieve restoration goals will remain unidentified without a move toward ecological experimentation designed for threshold detection under a range of conditions outside of the historical range of variation.