2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

COS 195 Abstract - An evaluation method for species distribution models based on presence-only data

Laura Jiménez, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS and Jorge Soberon, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, KS

The area under the curve (AUC) of the receiving-operating characteristic (ROC), or certain modifications of it, is almost universally used to assess the performance of species distribution models (SDMs), despite the well-recognized problems encountered with this approach, which are mainly present when dealing with presence-only data. In this work, we present a probabilistic treatment of the presence-only problem and derive a method to assess the performance of SDMs based on the analysis of an accumulation curve of presences (an area-presence plot) and the SDM outputs represented in both geographic and environmental spaces. We applied our method to three SDMs (Maxent, Bioclim, and Mahalanobis distance) and compared their performance.


We show how our method is useful to solve the two main tasks for which the AUC is used: assessing the performance of an SDM and comparing the performance of different SDMs. Our results build on previous work and constitute a rigorous method for assessing the performance of SDM algorithms in relation to a random classifier. We suggest that the performance of an algorithm that classifies presence-only data can be assessed by two factors: (1) the degree of non-randomness of the classification at every step in the accumulation curve of presences, and (2) the amount of uninformative niche space used for the classification.