Although evolution is considered a population-level phenomenon it has been hypothesized that individuals with modular architecture could evolve through somatic mutation, serving to fine-tune an individual to changing environmental conditions. However, the level of somatic variation within an individual has not been assessed from the gene level/whole genome perspective. We assessed within-plant genetic variation in black cottonwood and the prospects for evolutionary change as measured by changes in amino acids. We resequenced entire genomes from a multitude of tissues (i.e., bud, stem, and root tissues) of individual trees (parent and clonally derived offspring) using the Illumina platform.
On average 4,840 unique amino acid changes were found in 2,569 genes within each of 5 tissues sampled within each individual parental tree and it’s clonally derived offspring. We also show the differential spread of approximately 1,500-1,600 of these mutations across two to three tissues within an individual tree; whether these results reflect selective spread remains to be determined. A subset of genes, however, show positive signatures of selection (dN/dS >1) among tissues within the same parent/offspring pair, illustrating the potential for selective spread. The genes affected by somatic mutation, and unique to each tissue within a tree, were over-represented by those involved in three categories across all trees and tissues: those involved in 1) apoptosis and the immune response, 2) metabolism and protein binding, and 3) cell and pollen recognition, pollination, pollen-pistil interactions and reproductive cellular processes. Results support the long-standing hypothesis that individuals exist as mosaics of genetic variability and can evolve.