2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

COS 4 Abstract - Biodiversity survey and assessment in China

Nengwen Xiao, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China

China is one of the 12 most abundant biodiversity in the world. The survey and assessment of biodiversity is an important basic work for the state to grasp the background of biodiversity and to protect biodiversity. In the past few decades, although some progress and achievements have been made in the survey of biological species in China, the work already carried out is far from enough in breadth and depth. Therefore, it is urgent to organize a unified and systematic national biodiversity survey and assessment. In 2015, the State Council approved the launching of a major project for biodiversity conservation. Carrying out national biodiversity survey and assessment is one of the major tasks of major projects.

According to the requirements of Major Biodiversity Conservation Projects, the national biodiversity survey and assessment based on county level units should been completed, the background of biodiversity in China should been grasped, and the status quo and threatened situation of biodiversity in China should been assessed. By 2023, we will focus on the comprehensive survey and assessment of biodiversity in 904 counties in the priority areas for biodiversity conservation, the survey and assessment of aquatic biological resources in 7 key rivers, the survey and assessment of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity, and the survey and assessment of inbound and outbound biological species and genetic resources.

Specific tasks include land ecosystem survey, land species diversity survey, key river aquatic biodiversity survey, biodiversity-related traditional knowledge survey, inbound and outbound biological species and genetic resources survey, biodiversity comprehensive assessment.


Through the pilot work of biodiversity survey and assessment, a large number of achievements have been achieved, including developing biodiversity survey data collection APP; 111 new species, 23 suspected new species, 3259 terrestrial and 502 aquatic new regional record species have been found;. On the basis of acquiring species composition in County area, the regional species richness distribution information with high spatial accuracy is obtained. The problems faced in regional biodiversity conservation are identified, the number of specimens and digital information are enriched, 120,000 specimens and 80,000 photographs are collected. The red list of biodiversity, including Vertebrate volume and macrofungi volume, were evaluated.